Brexit- mean& How to respond&invest

Now i'm gonna talk about ' BREXIT' . 
Brexit should probably has a long arm to worldwide economy

The 'Brexit' is a mixed word using 'Bre' and 'exit'
As usual, thers is widespread discontents among Britain and EU at immigrant problems and EU allotment. That prevailed Brexit.

This situation was formed with a conflict between UK and EU nations at 12' euro economy crisis.

Flankly, we can translated as meaning 'UK have complaint about Germany handles ECB, that makes UK can't able to make policies on UK's way.

UK have effective speak and big symbolism in EU, 
So if Brexit is  practiced, EU will be sorely missed in many ways.
Also, Exit like "Brexit" cause a domino 'exit' effect to nations which usually want out EU.

The Bank of Japan faces pressure to act at its policy meeting this week, as sagging inflation and a rising yen threaten efforts to revive the economy.
Kuroda, Cheif of bank of japan, He decreased bank base rate JP and spoken as Brexit is  major risk to global growth.

if Brexit is  practiced, ( stock price reflect future and possibility)
There are fell many points in worldwide stock markets, Already and Will.

But a referendum is only way to decide 'Brexit', so we can't jumped to a conclusion.
But Many stock shares stand now ,and will go to a minimum.

This is Graphics Graph for "Where will Brexit hit Eu".
I recommend we have to 'exit' a mid-long term stock investment for a while, instead
do day-trade or purchase Inverse.
 When the time ( stock price fell to its weakest)comes to us, then we start real investment.


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주식의 기술적 분석- 이큐볼륨차트(EQui volume chart)